Sermons (Page 26)
With the extension of the Stay-At-Home order, frustrations are stirred. Questions are rising. This week, let’s ask this question, Do I have to always submit to authority as a Christian? We will look at Roman’s 13:1–5 and 1 Peter 2:13–17 as we seek God for answers. If it’s your first time joining us, even if it’s virtually, we would like to connect with you.…
We continue in the series Questions from Quarantine. Sunday, May 10. Mother’s Day! Today we get to celebrate moms. If you are a mom, THANK YOU for all you give! Today we will explore the question, How can I thrive from home while stuck in quarantine? Let’s see what encouragement we can find in Psalm 127. If it’s your first time joining us, even if it’s…
We continue in the series Questions from Quarantine. Sunday, May 3 we will explore the question, How can I be content with discontentment all around me? Let’s dive into Philippians 4:10-13 to see what encouragement is waiting for us. Message is ready for viewing at 11:15am. If it’s your first time joining us, even if it’s virtually, we would like to…
It seems every time something bad happens in the world, there will be those who claim it is a punishment from God, and COVID-19 is no exception. How do we know if this is or isn’t God’s hand of punishment toward us? Tune in Sunday [4/26/2020] morning at 10:15 am for the second message in the series Questions From Quarantine. Is God…
Thank you for joining us online at Frontline Bible Church.If you are visiting, welcome! We would love an opportunity to get to know you in person, but for now, we are glad to connect with you virtually/digitally. If we can help you in any way, please complete our Connection Card and one of our team members will reach out to you. To read about what is happening around FBC,…
Good Friday
Thank you for joining us online at Frontline Bible Church.If you are visiting, welcome! We would love an opportunity to get to know you in person, but for now, we are glad to connect with you virtually/digitally. If we can help you in any way, please complete our Connection Card and one of our team members will reach out to you. To read about what is happening around FBC,…
Thank you for joining us online at Frontline Bible Church.If you are visiting, welcome! We would love an opportunity to get to know you in person, but for now, we are glad to connect with you virtually/digitally. If we can help you in any way, please complete our Connection Card and one of our team members will reach out to you. To read about what is happening around FBC,…
As we continue to take things day by day, and we are not meeting in person as a congregation, consider gathering with your family/neighbors and view our recorded Worship Service, which will be available at 10:25 am, Sunday, March 22.Pastor John will continue the series, I Feel Your Pain, from John 18:12-27. The worship team will lead us in a time of worship. Stay…