Upcoming Events
Join us for a fall bonfire! Please bring your own chair; we will provide the donuts and cider! Come on your own or bring a friend with you! Please use the sign up form to let us know you are coming!
FWM Fall Schedule:
9.25.24 Women’s Bonfire
10.26.24 Crafting & Community
11.14.24 Serving Together at Buist Community Assistance Center
12.4.24 Christmas Tea
4.25-27.25: Women’s Retreat. Save the date!
Thursdays—Beginning September 19 6–7:30 pm, ending December 12.
FBC Lounge.
Facilitated by Annette Boverhof
Your heart matters more than anything else in all creation. The desires you had as a little girl and the longings you still feel as a woman are telling you of the life God created you to live. He offers to come now as the Hero of your story, to rescue your heart and release you to live fully alive. Annette will utilize movie clips along with her biblical knowledge and spiritual transformation experience to:
- Provide a look into your true identity in Christ as a woman.
- Describe how your heart is restored and set free from your past.
- Reveal how believing the truth of God’s Word can release you from the lies of the enemy.
- Help you learn to live to be all God has meant you to be.
Craving Community
1st & 3rd Mondays—Beginning September 23 6:45–8:45 pm, ending December 16.
The Dolsen Home.
Facilitated by Vicki Dolsen
How the Gospel helps you cultivate faithful friendships.
A friend is a friend at all times, and a brother is born for the time of adversity. – Proverbs 17:17
Have you struggled to make friends? Or keep them? Whatever your experience has been, we were all designed for community. We all want to feel connected. Thankfully, God does not leave us on our own to figure out the ins and outs of friendship! Books will be available for purchase at the first meeting for $10.
Craving Community is a six week study that will:
- Help you to fix your gaze on Jesus who gives us friendship with God.
- Show you the attributes of a godly friend.
- Equip you to navigate difficulties in friendship.
- Encourage you to pursue godly friendship even when it’s hard.
Special resources within study:
- Study Suggestions
- Weekly Reflections
- Friendship Spotlights from Scripture
- Suggestions for Making Friends
- Questions to Help You Go Deeper with Your Friends
I Want to Trust You, but I Don’t
Wednesdays—Beginning October 16 6:30–7:45 pm, ending November 20.
FBC Conference Room.
Facilitated by Tiffany Huff
Join Tiffany Huff as she facilitates this Next Step Bible Study: “I want to Trust You, but I don’t” by Lysa Terkeurst. Learn about forgiveness and learning to trust again when you have been burned by human relationships. Learn about living well when you stumble over trust issues so you do not become cynical and carry a broken belief system into every new relationship.
Participants need to order study guide with Streaming Video access and Exclusive edition hardcover preorder bundle, comes out Oct 8th.
Amazon: Hardcover Book
Amazon: Study Guide
Proverbs 31 Ministries: Book & Study Guide Bundle
Left to Right: Casey Gutierrez, Lori Miles, Kalee Beecher, Aubree Domsic, Kathy Domsic, Bev Blando.
FBC Women’s Leadership Team
The Frontline Women’s Leadership Team is committed to providing opportunities for the women of Frontline to connect and grow as we build relationships with one another, and to dig deeper into God’s Word, challenging each other spiritually. We welcome your suggestions and ideas for events, ministries, etc. Or if you just want to talk, contact: Kathy Domsic, Bev Blando, Lori Miles, or Aubree Domsic.
Interested in JOINING the Frontline Women’s Leadership Team? Email Lori Miles
Life is a Journey; a path marked by hurt, hope, struggles and gain – each with their own set of emotions. Some experience significant trauma and abuse on their journey which leave them with lasting scars. Others haven’t known that trauma, but have carried a word or experience which came at a particularly vulnerable time creating a wound of its own. Both scenarios generate behaviors and thought patterns we use in an attempt to deal with our hurt, anger, disappointment, betrayal, abandonment and pain. Journey and The Journey Continues are each nine-week courses designed to help you explore your story in a confidential, small group setting. They teach you not only how to understand your past and it’s impact, but how to live forward through Christ with empathy and forgiveness, learning to love yourself and others. Authentic community is created where people are heard, loved and heal together.
Contact Lori Miles if you are interested in learning more about participating in a Journey group.
Jesus, when He walked this earth, invested His life in twelve men. That’s it! He loved them; taught them; challenged them; and did life with them.
Soul Purpose is about investing and sharing your life with three to four other women; digging deeper and growing spiritually. Through transparency and authenticity, each group member is supported, loved and challenged.
Daily homework, based on the Cultivating Holy Beauty curriculum, helps you to learn who God is and what He’s calling you to do in this world. Expect to grow in this one-year curriculum, and learn to say “No” to Satan – to his lies and temptations through the strength and encouragement of your small group family.
Contact FWM leadership if you think a Soul Purpose group is your nextStep in growing in your spiritual walk with God.