Wednesday Morning Men’s Bible Study @ FBC 7-9 AM, SOUTH EQUIPPING ROOM
Join other guys as we study the book of Mark. This is a very informal, relaxed atmosphere for men of all levels of Bible knowledge. Light breakfast is provided.
Coming Up…

Join us for our Men’s Banger Breakfast! We will be meeting in the FBC Multi Purpose Room for a hearty breakfast and real stories from real men of Frontline Bible Church. High Schoolers age and up are welcome! Bring a friend with too! Please sign up so we have enough food to go around.

Guys grab a friend and join us for GUYS MOVIE NIGHT, Friday, January 24 at 6:30pm.
We’ll be watching Interstellar. Popcorn and drinks are provided! Interstellar is a thought-provoking science fiction cinema blockbuster starring Matthew McCounahgey, Matt Damon, Anne Hathaway, and Michael Caine. This is a powerful story of how love can be the tie that binds, even across galaxies. You are invited as a band of brothers from Frontline Bible Church to take a look at the Biblical and Gospel themes represented in this extraordinary film. Bring a friend and come upstairs to the Youth Room. We Are Interstellar is rated PG-13.
Men’s Cornhole Tournament

Deploying a spiritual brotherhood, ready to bring the Gospel into every part of all men’s lives.
“LEAVING NO MAN BEHIND” is the goal. Every man at Frontline Bible Church is considered part of our Men’s Ministry and is to be cared for and invested in. We want to encourage and challenge every man to join us in “Doing life on life through discipleship” with a spiritual brotherhood. It doesn’t matter if you’re single, married, divorced, young or old we were not meant to do life alone. Who do you seek when you’re troubled or struggling with life’s temptations, addictions, complex issues or problems? Life can be easier, more fun, and more rewarding when we do life together, helping each other in our journey along the way.
So what does life on life look like? Guys like being around other guys, doing guy things, in a guy environment. Whether you’re an outdoorsman, sports fan, enjoy cars or tractors, a gamer, a movie buff, or whatever else you like, we do it together. But there’s more, a spiritual aspect that brings heart transformation, life change and a growing understanding of God, His Word, and pursuing a more personal relationship with Him. In doing so we become better husbands, fathers, role models, and leaders in our communities and the world.
Some of the following facts or statistics should let you know why it’s important YOU become the man God created YOU to be.
- The average Christian man accepts the reality of Jesus Christ as his savior, but fails to make Jesus the Lord of his life and surrender everything to Him. Therefore, he fails to see the value in going to church, including discipleship as part of his need and the potential negative effects created toward his marriage, family, and all parts of his life.
- Everything a man does during his life’s journey has a positive or negative impact on everyone in his sphere of influence or contact. Lead by the example Jesus showed.
- Spiritual husbands and fathers who are more engaged in the lives of their wife and children create a more stable and joyful environment for happiness and fulfillment in the lives of their families.
- It has been said that “When a man gets it right, more than 90% of all the problems in their home, their church, and their community will take care of themselves.” – Patrick Morley No Man Left Behind
Are you willing to accept a challenge that could take you out of your comfort zone, but will give you a greater purpose, create greater value and a greater satisfaction in your life than you have now or may never have had before? If so, contact a member of our Frontline Men’s Ministry Leadership Team for more information or complete a Go Deeper Form located on the FMM cart in the lobby or fill out the online version located below.
Pastor John Lowder, Lynn Thomas &
Kevin Miles