Our Mission Is
Equipping people to make an eternal impact.
Our Core Values Are
Get Moving Spiritually
Statistics tell us, the number one reason people go to church is for spiritual guidance. We hope you find an entry point to dig in and find spiritual guidance through Next Step Bible Studies, Discipleship Groups, and Bible Classes. Our hope is for everyone who calls Frontline Bible Church their church home, to keep growing in their love for God and others. frontlinebible.com/classes
Statement of Faith
Frontline is a non-denominational Bible church affiliated with the Grace Gospel Fellowship

We believe in:
- The verbal inspiration and plenary authority of the Bible in its original writings.
- The eternal Trinity of the Godhead.
- The eternal deity and spotless humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The total depravity of man by nature. Salvation by grace, though faith in the crucified and risen Christ.
- The eternal security of the saved.
- The personality and deity of the Holy Spirit.
- The essential unity of all believers of this present dispensation as members of the one true church, the Body of Christ.
- The privilege and duty of all the saved to walk as children of the light.
- The communion of the Lord’s supper as revealed through the apostle Paul for members of the Body of Christ “til He comes.”
- The one divine baptism by which believers are made members of the Body of Christ as the only baptism necessary in God’s spiritual program in this dispensation of the Grace of God.
- The resurrection of the body.
- The pre-tribulation rapture of the members of the Body of Christ.
- The personal, pre-millennial return of Christ to reign on earth.
- The eternal punishment of the unsaved dead.
The worldwide preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ. - Read our full Doctrinal Statement.