

When you give to Frontline Bible Church, you’re partnering with us in equipping people to make an eternal impact. Churches don’t change lives. God changes lives! Then He shapes us to become Christ-followers who are willing to be the hands and feet of Jesus wherever we go, including on our own frontlines once we step out these doors.

There was a boy in John 6 who gave Jesus his lunch: 5 loaves and 2 fish. But he gave it from his heart…and Jesus fed thousands with it, then they gathered more leftovers than what they started with. And there’s the widow in Luke 21 who sacrificially gave all she had to live on. Scripture doesn’t say whether she died of starvation the next day; only that Christ commended her – again – for giving from her heart.

You can give in person through our Giving Boxes, by sending a check by mail, issuing a check through your bank or online via Planning Center Giving – our new, secure online giving provider. But you will need to download the Church Center app from GooglePlay or the AppStore for your mobile devices.

Trust God. Give what He lays on your heart to give, and watch as He changes the hearts of the world…beginning with your own.

Trustees Team Back Row: Greg Terrell, Jim Moore, Chairman, Zach Moore.
Front Row: Lynn Thomas, Samantha Deppe. Not Pictured: Corey Johnson

Frontline Bible Church 2023 Capital Campaign, PHASE TWO. In this phase of the 5&2 Capital Campaign, we are raising funds to complete paying for the boiler and have the funds to pay for the installation. Thankfully, God has protected and provided for many years. The goal is to raise $22,500. As of 3/10/24, we have raised the funds to meet the goal!

Frontline Bible Church 2022 Capital Campaign

In more than one account in the Bible, Jesus fed more than 5,000 people with what they had — five loaves & two fish.

Jesus can also multiply what we have.
Let’s come eagerly expecting

While we praise God for all He is doing in the lives of Frontline Bible Church, we believe He wants to do more. 

GOD IS SO FAITHFUL! Thank you for your Pledges to the 5&2 Capital Campaign. As of 2.2.2023, we have collected $99,467, leaving $2,328 remaining to be received. This brings the pledge total to $101,795! Please continue to prayerfully give and fulfill pledges. We will continue to receive all pledges until fulfilled. Clearly identify 5&2 giving when you make your contribution.

Please fulfill pledges as soon as possible:
1. Give online (select 5&2 Capital Campaign)
2. Write a check with 5&2 Capital Campaign on the memo line, or
3. Give cash, use one of the 5&2 Campaign envelopes available at the Campaign Display, make sure to include your name.


Raise capital [$120,000] to replace the roof as well as the heating unit in the older part of our building so we can continue equipping our people to make an eternal impact. 

• Giving is over and above usual tithing to FBC. 

• Campaign pledges will be received from October 2nd through October 23rd.
[All pledges due by 10/23/22]. 

• October 30, Blessing Sunday — total amount of pledges revealed. 

• Pledges will be received until fulfilled.


Lord, please work in my heart to be responsive to your leading on how you may want me to contribute to this capital campaign. Grow my FAITH. Help me to take ACTION and look for creative ways to SACRIFICIALLY give. May I rejoice in all the ways that you provide and celebrate your BLESSINGS. I thank you in advance for what you have in store for me and your church. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

You will find this prayer as well as Campaign Goals on the PLEDGE CARD. Once you have prayerfully completed your pledge card, cut off the portion with the Campaign Prayer and Goals and keep it in a place to remind you to pray for the campaign. Then bring your completed pledge card to the church and drop it in the pledge card box in the lobby by October 23rd. The following Sunday we will announce the total pledges and celebrate what God has done through all of us.