February 9, 2025 — Pastor John Lowder

We are so glad you are with us today!

Welcome to Frontline Bible Church. We would love to connect with you. Take just a minute to complete the Digital Connection Card.
Today’s Sermon

The Belt of Truth
Pastor John Lowder
The Apostle Paul tells the Ephesians that if they want to win the spiritual battles they will face, they had better put on their armor. He then outlines the list of armor pieces that need to be worn and he starts with the Belt of Truth. What is the Belt of Truth and why is a belt considered a key piece of armor?
Connect with FBC Board of Directors, Staff and Ministry Leaders
Connect with the Leaders at FBC to share your needs or to find ways to make connections.
OUR MISSION is to equip people
to make an eternal impact.
Click Here to view our WELCOME PAGE Share the link with your friends and invite them to join you!
Are you ready to discover your gifts and use them to serve at Frontline Bible Church and beyond? Check out our SERVE webpage to see a list of areas available for serving. Please complete the Volunteer Application and let us know if you would like more information about these areas.
Giving Boxes are available at each door leaving the Worship Center, or you can visit frontlinebible.com/giving and click the GIVING tab to see your electronic giving options. All gifts are tax-deductible.
SEPTEMBER | $30,466.82 | $25,550.67 | $4,916.15 | 119% |
OCTOBER | $19,615.62 | $25,550.67 | ($5,935.05) | 77% |
NOVEMBER | $18,805.04 | $25,550.67 | ($6,745.63) | 74% |
DECEMBER | $38,009.30 | $25,550.67 | $12,458.63 | 149% |
YTD | $147,065.42 | $153,304.02 | ($6,238.60) | 96% |
• MAIL your tithe to the church:
8283 Pfeiffer Farms Dr. SW, Byron Center, MI 49315
• Schedule a payment through your BANK.

Have you downloaded the CHURCH CENTER APP yet? Follow these instructions and download it today! You will have direct access to the website, FBC Directory, FBC Calendar and online giving right at your fingertips! Get Connected Today. Need help downloading? Find Sarah DeGraaf, Vicki Dolsen or Sheryl Idema and we will gladly help you.

Beginning January 5, 2024 through May 18, 2025. Sunday Mornings. 11:15 am – noon
KIDS BIBLE CLASSES: Kids ages 2yrs–5th Grade. See Frontline Kids page for Class Descriptions.
YOUTH BIBLE CLASS: Middle and High School age students are asked to join the Biblical Foundations Class meeting January 5 through May 18, 2025. Taught by Pastor Brandon Thomas. Meeting in the South Equipping Room.
- BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS: Think Biblically: Biblical Ethics. Join us in the journey to THINK BIBLICALLY on the ethical challenges that Christians face today! From abortion, war, secular music and more, we all seek to worship and glorify God through our actions. Let’s take biblical interpretation to the next level to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8) Meeting in the South Equipping Room: Taught by Pastor Brandon Thomas.

Join us in a month of prayer for our Missionary Families and our 2025 Missions Conference! You can find the online Prayer Inspirations Blog at the bottom of this webpage. If you prefer a printed guide, you can find one at the Information Center in the FBC Lobby. Contact Pastor John or Kathy Campbell if you have any questions!
Pastor’s Class

Get Moving Spiritually as we study … The Book of Revelation.
Join us! Everyone (Men & Women) welcome.
TUESDAY evenings in the FBC South Equipping Room 7-8:30 PM. Contact Pastor Brandon or Pastor John with any questions.

Church Potluck

Bring a dish to pass and join us for a church-wide potluck with the missionaries and their families following Bible Classes at noon. Everyone bring a Main Dish. Last Names A–M bring dessert, Last Names N–Z bring side dish.
FBC Worship Arts Playlist

FBC Worship Director, Leo Caldas, invites you to follow the new FBC Worship Arts Playlist on Spotify and/or YouTube. Now you will be able to listen while you work, do chores, spend time with God. The Father is seeking worshipers. Follow along and prepare your hearts throughout the week, then when we gather together on Sundays, it will be even more sweeter.
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. – John 4:23 NIV
Starting Line

Get Ready. Get Set. Go!
The next Starting Line Class will be two consecutive Sunday evenings, March 23 & 30, 5:00–8:00 pm. Come learn more about Frontline Bible Church. To give everyone an opportunity to fully participate, we limit the class size to eight. Reserve your spot and RSVP by March 16th, 2025. Email Sarah DeGraaf with any questions sarah@frontlinebible.com.
Parent Dedication

At Frontline Bible Church, we celebrate parents and come alongside them as they dedicate themselves to raise their child/children in a Christ-centered home. If you have children that you would like to introduce at this time, please include their name, date of birth, and shirt size below. Before parents and children can be dedicated, parents must attend a mandatory meeting on Sunday, February 16 from 9am-9:30am. Childcare will be provided for this meeting.
Please email two photos of your child/children to Sarah DeGraaf at sarah@frontlinebible.com. Please include your child/children’s name in the email. Please complete the sign up form by February 9th. If you have questions, please contact Pastor John or Sarah DeGraaf.
For FBC Events/Activities:
Find specific prayer/praise from each missionary and learn about this months
Missionaries of the Month when you
visit the Missions Webpage
2025 FBC Missions Conference

Find the full 2025 Missions Conference Schedule at frontlinebible.com/missions.

Director of Frontline Missions

Sunday Mornings 10–11 am (Children are dismissed during the worship service):
We offer two classes that teach age-appropriate ways of worship.
Nursery [ages 0-3]
Children’s Worship 1 [Suggested age range: 3–6 years old]
Children’s Worship 2 [Suggested age range: 5–9 years old]
Kids Bible Classes are available September 15th through May 18th. See Frontline Kids Webpage for Descriptions and find the best fit for your son/daughter.

Frontline Bible Church invites you to Coached by Christ! Kids ages four years through fifth grade are welcome to attend. There is a time of songs, games and most importantly a focus on learning the Bible and verse memorization. Full schedule can be found on frontlinebible.com/fkm. Reach out to Lynn Thomas with any questions.
Parent Dedication

At Frontline Bible Church, we celebrate parents and come alongside them as they dedicate themselves to raise their child/children in a Christ-centered home. If you have children that you would like to introduce at this time, please include their name, date of birth, and shirt size below. Before parents and children can be dedicated, parents must attend a mandatory meeting on Sunday, February 16 from 9am-9:30am. Childcare will be provided for this meeting.
Please email two photos of your child/children to Sarah DeGraaf at sarah@frontlinebible.com. Please include your child/children’s name in the email. Please complete the sign up form by February 9th. If you have questions, please contact Pastor John or Sarah DeGraaf.

Director of Frontline Kids
Frontline Kids Ministry Team
Gretchen Johnson: Coordinator of Children’s Worship K-3rd Gr;
Amanda Marzean: Coordinator of Children’s Worship 3yrs.– pre-K
Barb Gowdy: Interim coordinator of Kid’s Bible Classes
Mandy Terrell: Nursery Coordinator
Team Members: Lynn Thomas & Joanna Gowdy
visit Frontline Kids Webpage

Join us for a Men’s Basketball Game at Grace Christian University! The tickets are free for the youth and there will be free food and games at halftime. Please meet at Grace Christian University.
2025 Spring FYM Schedule:
2.9.25: Super Bowl – No Youth Group
2.16.25: Regular youth group 6-8 pm
2.22.25: Grace Men’s Basketball Game- 3 pm @ GCU
2.23.25: Regular youth group 6-8 pm
3.2.25: Regular youth group 6-8 pm
3.7-9.25: Youth Retreat
3.14.25: Regular youth group 6-8 pm
3.23.30: Eye of the Tiger Lock-in 9am-6pm @ GCU
3.30.25: Regular youth group 6-8 pm

Director of Youth Ministries

Join us for Engage! We meet every other Wednesday from 7-9pm from September until April. Reach out to a leader for more information or visit frontlinebible.com/young-adults/ to find out more about upcoming winter and spring events.
Join us every other Wednesday @ FBC September through April.
Invite a friend and ENGAGE!
2025 Engage Winter/Spring Schedule:
2.12.25: 7-9pm. Missions Conference Engage.
2.26.25: 7-9pm. Engage at Mark & Jill Anderson’s home.
3.12.25: 7-9pm. Engage location TBD.
3.26.25: 7-9pm. Engage @ the Craesmeyer Home.
4.9.25: 7-9pm. Engage @ the DeGraaf Home.
4.23.25: 6:30-9pm. Engage End of the Year Cook Out @ FBC.

Director of Engage Young Adults
Find photos of ENGAGE Young Adult ministry on their webpage!
Contact Joseph Craesmeyer with any questions

Women, are you looking for a place to connect & grow?
Frontline Women invite you to reach out to
someone on the leadership team (see the FWM webpage).
They would be glad to connect with you and walk with you as you grow.
Next Step Bible Studies

Missions Soup & Salad Dinner

Join us for the 2025 Women’s Soup & Salad Dinner! Middle School and High School girls are also welcome to attend this event to hear from the female missionaries. Sign up at frontlinebible.com/fwm.
2025 Frontline Women’s Retreat

Find the full details of this year’s Women’s Retreat at frontlinebible.com/fwm!

Director of Women’s Ministries
Go to Frontline Women’s webpage for more details

NEXT STEP Bible Studies for Men
- Wednesday Morning Men’s Bible Study @ FBC 7-9 AM, South Equipping Room. Join other guys as we study the book of Mark. This is a very informal, relaxed atmosphere for men of all levels of Bible knowledge.
Light breakfast is provided.
Men’s Banger Breakfast

Join us for our Men’s Banger Breakfast! We will be meeting in the FBC Multi Purpose Room for a hearty breakfast and real stories from real men of Frontline Bible Church. This breakfast will also be featuring our visiting male missionaries for the 2025 Missions Conference! High Schoolers age and up are welcome! Bring a friend with too! Please sign up so we have enough food to go around.
Guy’s Movie Night

Guys grab a friend and join us for GUYS MOVIE NIGHT, Friday, February 28 at 7pm.
We’ll be watching The Matrix. Popcorn and drinks are provided! Men you are allowed to bring your sons at your discretion. Bring a friend and come upstairs to the Youth Room. The Matrix is rated R. Let Kevin Miles know if you have any questions.

Director of Frontline Men
visit Frontline Men’s Webpage
Coming Up…

Join us for our Traditional-Style service in the Worship Center of Frontline Bible Church! This style service is every third Wednesday of the month at 11am. There is a time of worship through hymns, a message from a guest Pastor followed by lunch and a time of fellowship. This service is open to the community, please bring a friend! If you have any questions please contact John Records.

Director of Frontline Seniors
visit Frontline Seniors’ Webpage

What a privilege to pray for one another! Let’s be the CHURCH!
When prayer requests arrive in your email, take a moment to pause and pray for the needs. You will have an option to unsubscribe at your discretion. As always, email your requests & updates to: Dawn Orr & Beth Rustin at prayer@frontlinebible.com
Access the FBC Directory on the website. Email Sarah DeGraaf at sarah@frontlinebible.com for the password to access the Directory. Updated 10/17/24.
Allow three weeks for your order to be completed.

February 2, 2025 — Pastor John Lowder

We are so glad you are with us today!

Welcome to Frontline Bible Church. We would love to connect with you. Take just a minute to complete the Digital Connection Card.
Today’s Sermon

A Spiritual Enemy
Pastor John Lowder
One of the most important things you can do when facing a war is to know your enemy. What are they like? What are their goals? What are their tactics? The same thing is true for the spiritual war we all face and the enemy that is against us. So what do we need to know about our spiritual enemy to have victory in this spiritual war?
Connect with FBC Board of Directors, Staff and Ministry Leaders
Connect with the Leaders at FBC to share your needs or to find ways to make connections.
OUR MISSION is to equip people
to make an eternal impact.
Click Here to view our WELCOME PAGE Share the link with your friends and invite them to join you!
Are you ready to discover your gifts and use them to serve at Frontline Bible Church and beyond? Check out our SERVE webpage to see a list of areas available for serving. Please complete the Volunteer Application and let us know if you would like more information about these areas.
Giving Boxes are available at each door leaving the Worship Center, or you can visit frontlinebible.com/giving and click the GIVING tab to see your electronic giving options. All gifts are tax-deductible.
SEPTEMBER | $30,466.82 | $25,550.67 | $4,916.15 | 119% |
OCTOBER | $19,615.62 | $25,550.67 | ($5,935.05) | 77% |
NOVEMBER | $18,805.04 | $25,550.67 | ($6,745.63) | 74% |
DECEMBER | $38,009.30 | $25,550.67 | $12,458.63 | 149% |
YTD | $147,065.42 | $153,304.02 | ($6,238.60) | 96% |
• MAIL your tithe to the church:
8283 Pfeiffer Farms Dr. SW, Byron Center, MI 49315
• Schedule a payment through your BANK.

Have you downloaded the CHURCH CENTER APP yet? Follow these instructions and download it today! You will have direct access to the website, FBC Directory, FBC Calendar and online giving right at your fingertips! Get Connected Today. Need help downloading? Find Sarah DeGraaf, Vicki Dolsen or Sheryl Idema and we will gladly help you.

Beginning January 5, 2024 through May 18, 2025. Sunday Mornings. 11:15 am – noon
KIDS BIBLE CLASSES: Kids ages 2yrs–5th Grade. See Frontline Kids page for Class Descriptions.
YOUTH BIBLE CLASS: Middle and High School age students are asked to join the Biblical Foundations Class meeting January 5 through May 18, 2025. Taught by Pastor Brandon Thomas. Meeting in the South Equipping Room.
- BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS: Think Biblically: Biblical Ethics. Join us in the journey to THINK BIBLICALLY on the ethical challenges that Christians face today! From abortion, war, secular music and more, we all seek to worship and glorify God through our actions. Let’s take biblical interpretation to the next level to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8) Meeting in the South Equipping Room: Taught by Pastor Brandon Thomas.

Join us in a month of prayer for our Missionary Families and our 2025 Missions Conference! You can find the online Prayer Inspirations Blog at the bottom of this webpage. If you prefer a printed guide, you can find one at the Information Center in the FBC Lobby. Contact Pastor John or Kathy Campbell if you have any questions!
Pastor’s Class

Get Moving Spiritually as we study … The Book of Revelation.
Join us! Everyone (Men & Women) welcome.
TUESDAY evenings in the FBC South Equipping Room 7-8:30 PM. Contact Pastor Brandon or Pastor John with any questions.
Next Week!

Church Potluck

Bring a dish to pass and join us for a church-wide potluck with the missionaries and their families following Bible Classes at noon. Everyone bring a Main Dish. Last Names A–M bring dessert, Last Names N–Z bring side dish.
FBC Worship Arts Playlist

FBC Worship Director, Leo Caldas, invites you to follow the new FBC Worship Arts Playlist on Spotify and/or YouTube. Now you will be able to listen while you work, do chores, spend time with God. The Father is seeking worshipers. Follow along and prepare your hearts throughout the week, then when we gather together on Sundays, it will be even more sweeter.
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. – John 4:23 NIV
Starting Line

Get Ready. Get Set. Go!
The next Starting Line Class will be two consecutive Sunday evenings, March 23 & 30, 5:00–8:00 pm. Come learn more about Frontline Bible Church. To give everyone an opportunity to fully participate, we limit the class size to eight. Reserve your spot and RSVP by March 16th, 2025. Email Sarah DeGraaf with any questions sarah@frontlinebible.com.
Parent Dedication

At Frontline Bible Church, we celebrate parents and come alongside them as they dedicate themselves to raise their child/children in a Christ-centered home. If you have children that you would like to introduce at this time, please include their name, date of birth, and shirt size below. Before parents and children can be dedicated, parents must attend a mandatory meeting on Sunday, February 16 from 9am-9:30am. Childcare will be provided for this meeting.
Please email two photos of your child/children to Sarah DeGraaf at sarah@frontlinebible.com. Please include your child/children’s name in the email. Please complete the sign up form by February 9th. If you have questions, please contact Pastor John or Sarah DeGraaf.
For FBC Events/Activities:
Find specific prayer/praise from each missionary and learn about this months
Missionaries of the Month when you
visit the Missions Webpage
2025 FBC Missions Conference

Director of Frontline Missions

Sunday Mornings 10–11 am (Children are dismissed during the worship service):
We offer two classes that teach age-appropriate ways of worship.
Nursery [ages 0-3]
Children’s Worship 1 [Suggested age range: 3–6 years old]
Children’s Worship 2 [Suggested age range: 5–9 years old]
Kids Bible Classes are available September 15th through May 18th. See Frontline Kids Webpage for Descriptions and find the best fit for your son/daughter.

Frontline Bible Church invites you to Coached by Christ! Kids ages four years through fifth grade are welcome to attend. There is a time of songs, games and most importantly a focus on learning the Bible and verse memorization. Full schedule can be found on frontlinebible.com/fkm. Reach out to Lynn Thomas with any questions.
Parent Dedication

At Frontline Bible Church, we celebrate parents and come alongside them as they dedicate themselves to raise their child/children in a Christ-centered home. If you have children that you would like to introduce at this time, please include their name, date of birth, and shirt size below. Before parents and children can be dedicated, parents must attend a mandatory meeting on Sunday, February 16 from 9am-9:30am. Childcare will be provided for this meeting.
Please email two photos of your child/children to Sarah DeGraaf at sarah@frontlinebible.com. Please include your child/children’s name in the email. Please complete the sign up form by February 9th. If you have questions, please contact Pastor John or Sarah DeGraaf.

Director of Frontline Kids
Frontline Kids Ministry Team
Gretchen Johnson: Coordinator of Children’s Worship K-3rd Gr;
Amanda Marzean: Coordinator of Children’s Worship 3yrs.– pre-K
Barb Gowdy: Interim coordinator of Kid’s Bible Classes
Mandy Terrell: Nursery Coordinator
Team Members: Lynn Thomas & Joanna Gowdy
visit Frontline Kids Webpage
2025 Spring FYM Schedule:
2.2.25: Leader’s Retreat- No Youth Group
2.9.25: Super Bowl – No Youth Group
2.16.25: Regular youth group 6-8 pm
2.22.25: Grace Men’s Basketball Game- 3 pm @ GCU
2.23.25: Regular youth group 6-8 pm
3.2.25: Regular youth group 6-8 pm
3.7-9.25: Youth Retreat
3.14.25: Regular youth group 6-8 pm
3.23.30: Eye of the Tiger Lock-in 9am-6pm @ GCU
3.30.25: Regular youth group 6-8 pm

Director of Youth Ministries

Join us for Engage! We meet every other Wednesday from 7-9pm from September until April. Reach out to a leader for more information or visit frontlinebible.com/young-adults/ to find out more about upcoming winter and spring events.
Join us every other Wednesday @ FBC September through April.
Invite a friend and ENGAGE!
2025 Engage Winter/Spring Schedule:
2.12.25: 7-9pm. Missions Conference Engage @ FBC.
2.26.25: 7-9pm. Engage at Mark & Jill Anderson’s home.
3.12.25: 7-9pm. Engage location TBD.
3.26.25: 7-9pm. Engage @ the Craesmeyer Home.
4.9.25: 7-9pm. Engage @ the DeGraaf Home.
4.23.25: 6:30-9pm. Engage End of the Year Cook Out @ FBC.

Director of Engage Young Adults
Find photos of ENGAGE Young Adult ministry on their webpage!
Contact Joseph Craesmeyer with any questions

Women, are you looking for a place to connect & grow?
Frontline Women invite you to reach out to
someone on the leadership team (see the FWM webpage).
They would be glad to connect with you and walk with you as you grow.
Next Step Bible Studies

Missions Soup & Salad Dinner

Join us for the 2025 Women’s Soup & Salad Dinner! Middle School and High School girls are also welcome to attend this event to hear from the female missionaries. Sign up at frontlinebible.com/fwm.
2025 Frontline Women’s Retreat

Find the full details of this year’s Women’s Retreat at frontlinebible.com/fwm!

Director of Women’s Ministries
Go to Frontline Women’s webpage for more details

NEXT STEP Bible Studies for Men
- Wednesday Morning Men’s Bible Study @ FBC 7-9 AM, South Equipping Room. Join other guys as we study the book of Mark. This is a very informal, relaxed atmosphere for men of all levels of Bible knowledge.
Light breakfast is provided.
Men’s Banger Breakfast

Join us for our Men’s Banger Breakfast! We will be meeting in the FBC Multi Purpose Room for a hearty breakfast and real stories from real men of Frontline Bible Church. This breakfast will also be featuring our visiting male missionaries for the 2025 Missions Conference! High Schoolers age and up are welcome! Bring a friend with too! Please sign up so we have enough food to go around.
Guy’s Movie Night

Guys grab a friend and join us for GUYS MOVIE NIGHT, Friday, February 28 at 7pm.
We’ll be watching The Matrix. Popcorn and drinks are provided! Men you are allowed to bring your sons at your discretion. Bring a friend and come upstairs to the Youth Room. The Matrix is rated R. Let Kevin Miles know if you have any questions.

Director of Frontline Men
visit Frontline Men’s Webpage
Coming Up…

Join us for our Traditional-Style service in the Worship Center of Frontline Bible Church! This style service is every third Wednesday of the month at 11am. There is a time of worship through hymns, a message from a guest Pastor followed by lunch and a time of fellowship. This service is open to the community, please bring a friend! If you have any questions please contact John Records.
Byron Manor Sunday Services

Join us as we bless those Byron Manor! Several months of the year we provide a Sunday worship service for those living at Byron Manor in Byron Center. We request you join us in worshiping God with those at Byron Manor with us! Service begins at 3:00pm on February 2nd and lasts about 45 minutes. Find the full schedule at frontlinebible.com/fsm.

Director of Frontline Seniors
visit Frontline Seniors’ Webpage

What a privilege to pray for one another! Let’s be the CHURCH!
When prayer requests arrive in your email, take a moment to pause and pray for the needs. You will have an option to unsubscribe at your discretion. As always, email your requests & updates to: Dawn Orr & Beth Rustin at prayer@frontlinebible.com
Access the FBC Directory on the website. Email Sarah DeGraaf at sarah@frontlinebible.com for the password to access the Directory. Updated 10/17/24.
Allow three weeks for your order to be completed.

January 26, 2025 — Pastor John Lowder

We are so glad you are with us today!

Welcome to Frontline Bible Church. We would love to connect with you. Take just a minute to complete the Digital Connection Card.
Today’s Sermon

A Spiritual War
Pastor John Lowder
It shouldn’t surprise any of us to hear there are wars happening in the world at any given time, but those are only the wars that we see. If the curtain could be pulled back so that we could see the spiritual world just as clearly, how shocked might we all be to find there’s a war happening we are not even aware of. How close is it to us?
Connect with FBC Board of Directors, Staff and Ministry Leaders
Connect with the Leaders at FBC to share your needs or to find ways to make connections.
OUR MISSION is to equip people
to make an eternal impact.
Click Here to view our WELCOME PAGE Share the link with your friends and invite them to join you!
Are you ready to discover your gifts and use them to serve at Frontline Bible Church and beyond? Check out our SERVE webpage to see a list of areas available for serving. Please complete the Volunteer Application and let us know if you would like more information about these areas.
Giving Boxes are available at each door leaving the Worship Center, or you can visit frontlinebible.com/giving and click the GIVING tab to see your electronic giving options. All gifts are tax-deductible.
SEPTEMBER | $30,466.82 | $25,550.67 | $4,916.15 | 119% |
OCTOBER | $19,615.62 | $25,550.67 | ($5,935.05) | 77% |
NOVEMBER | $18,805.04 | $25,550.67 | ($6,745.63) | 74% |
DECEMBER | $38,009.30 | $25,550.67 | $12,458.63 | 149% |
YTD | $147,065.42 | $153,304.02 | ($6,238.60) | 96% |
• MAIL your tithe to the church:
8283 Pfeiffer Farms Dr. SW, Byron Center, MI 49315
• Schedule a payment through your BANK.

Have you downloaded the CHURCH CENTER APP yet? Follow these instructions and download it today! You will have direct access to the website, FBC Directory, FBC Calendar and online giving right at your fingertips! Get Connected Today. Need help downloading? Find Sarah DeGraaf, Vicki Dolsen or Sheryl Idema and we will gladly help you.

Beginning January 5, 2024 through May 18, 2025. Sunday Mornings. 11:15 am – noon
KIDS BIBLE CLASSES: Kids ages 2yrs–5th Grade. See Frontline Kids page for Class Descriptions.
YOUTH BIBLE CLASS: Middle and High School age students are asked to join the Biblical Foundations Class meeting January 5 through May 18, 2025. Taught by Pastor Brandon Thomas. Meeting in the South Equipping Room.
- BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS: Think Biblically: Biblical Ethics. Join us in the journey to THINK BIBLICALLY on the ethical challenges that Christians face today! From abortion, war, secular music and more, we all seek to worship and glorify God through our actions. Let’s take biblical interpretation to the next level to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8) Meeting in the South Equipping Room: Taught by Pastor Brandon Thomas.

Join us in a month of prayer for our Missionary Families and our 2025 Missions Conference! You can find the online Prayer Inspirations Blog at the bottom of this webpage. If you prefer a printed guide, you can find one at the Information Center in the FBC Lobby. Contact Pastor John or Kathy Campbell if you have any questions!
Pastor’s Class

Get Moving Spiritually as we study … The Book of Revelation.
Join us! Everyone (Men & Women) welcome.
TUESDAY evenings in the FBC South Equipping Room 7-8:30 PM. Contact Pastor Brandon or Pastor John with any questions.
Married Couples Ministry

Join us for this new FBC ministry! Valentines Day Evening we will be providing married couples with a three course meal, (Appetizer, Dinner, Dessert) and will end with an award winning professional comedian. This event does not provide child care. Married couples should expect to enjoy an upscale dining experience, with table service. Appetizers with social time begins at 6, followed by private dining with your spouse. Immediately following dessert our professional comedian will entertain us and that will conclude the event. You can select your meal option on the event sign up form. Frontline Bible Church attendees are encouraged to invite married couples friends to this event. It is first come first serve, and we need to have registrations and payment in by NO LATER than 1/26. Cost is $65 PER COUPLE. This event is for married couples only. Please reach out to Megan Vos at 616-301-5109 if you have any questions.
Coins for Kids

In honor of Sanctity of Life Sunday on January 19th. Pick up a bottle from the table in the lobby beginning January 5th, fill it with change and return it before February 1, 2025. All change helps support Right to Life and Pregnancy Resource Centers in our local community! Bottles can be turned into the FBC office or to Tiffany Huff. Contact Tiffany Huff with Questions at (616) 204-4218 or tiffanylhuff@gmail.com.
FBC Worship Arts Playlist

FBC Worship Director, Leo Caldas, invites you to follow the new FBC Worship Arts Playlist on Spotify and/or YouTube. Now you will be able to listen while you work, do chores, spend time with God. The Father is seeking worshipers. Follow along and prepare your hearts throughout the week, then when we gather together on Sundays, it will be even more sweeter.
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. – John 4:23 NIV
Starting Line

Get Ready. Get Set. Go!
The next Starting Line Class will be two consecutive Sunday evenings, March 23 & 30, 5:00–8:00 pm. Come learn more about Frontline Bible Church. To give everyone an opportunity to fully participate, we limit the class size to eight. Reserve your spot and RSVP by March 16th, 2025. Email Sarah DeGraaf with any questions sarah@frontlinebible.com.
Parent Dedication

At Frontline Bible Church, we celebrate parents and come alongside them as they dedicate themselves to raise their child/children in a Christ-centered home. If you have children that you would like to introduce at this time, please include their name, date of birth, and shirt size below. Before parents and children can be dedicated, parents must attend a mandatory meeting on Sunday, February 16 from 9am-9:30am. Childcare will be provided for this meeting.
Please email two photos of your child/children to Sarah DeGraaf at sarah@frontlinebible.com. Please include your child/children’s name in the email. Please complete the sign up form by February 9th. If you have questions, please contact Pastor John or Sarah DeGraaf.
For FBC Events/Activities:
Find specific prayer/praise from each missionary and learn about this months
Missionaries of the Month when you
visit the Missions Webpage
January Missions Highlights

Learn more about the mission of Byron Community Ministries and how they serve our local community on our Missions Webpage!
2025 FBC Missions Conference

Byron Community Ministries Care Drive

Join us in supporting our local community through Byron Community Ministries! During the month of January FBC is collecting personal care hygiene items, gently used seasonal clothing for adults & children, all sizes for the BCM pantry. The greatest need is hygiene items! Please place your donations on the rack in the FBC Lobby. Visit frontlinebible.com/missions to see a list of suggested items to donate.

Director of Frontline Missions

Sunday Mornings 10–11 am (Children are dismissed during the worship service):
We offer two classes that teach age-appropriate ways of worship.
Nursery [ages 0-3]
Children’s Worship 1 [Suggested age range: 3–6 years old]
Children’s Worship 2 [Suggested age range: 5–9 years old]
Kids Bible Classes are available September 15th through May 18th. See Frontline Kids Webpage for Descriptions and find the best fit for your son/daughter.

Frontline Bible Church invites you to Coached by Christ! Kids ages four years through fifth grade are welcome to attend. There is a time of songs, games and most importantly a focus on learning the Bible and verse memorization. Full schedule can be found on frontlinebible.com/fkm. Reach out to Lynn Thomas with any questions.
Parent Dedication

At Frontline Bible Church, we celebrate parents and come alongside them as they dedicate themselves to raise their child/children in a Christ-centered home. If you have children that you would like to introduce at this time, please include their name, date of birth, and shirt size below. Before parents and children can be dedicated, parents must attend a mandatory meeting on Sunday, February 16 from 9am-9:30am. Childcare will be provided for this meeting.
Please email two photos of your child/children to Sarah DeGraaf at sarah@frontlinebible.com. Please include your child/children’s name in the email. Please complete the sign up form by February 9th. If you have questions, please contact Pastor John or Sarah DeGraaf.

Director of Frontline Kids
Frontline Kids Ministry Team
Gretchen Johnson: Coordinator of Children’s Worship K-3rd Gr;
Amanda Marzean: Coordinator of Children’s Worship 3yrs.– pre-K
Barb Gowdy: Interim coordinator of Kid’s Bible Classes
Mandy Terrell: Nursery Coordinator
Team Members: Lynn Thomas & Joanna Gowdy
visit Frontline Kids Webpage
2025 Spring FYM Schedule:
1.26.25: Next Gen Sunday 9:45 am, Regular youth group 6-8 pm
2.2.25: Leader’s Retreat- No Youth Group
2.9.25: Super Bowl – No Youth Group
2.16.25: Regular youth group 6-8 pm
2.22.25: Grace Men’s Basketball Game- 3 pm @ GCU
2.23.25: Regular youth group 6-8 pm
3.2.25: Regular youth group 6-8 pm
3.7-9.25: Youth Retreat
3.14.25: Regular youth group 6-8 pm
3.23.30: Eye of the Tiger Lock-in 9am-6pm @ GCU
3.30.25: Regular youth group 6-8 pm

Director of Youth Ministries

Join us for Engage! We meet every other Wednesday from 7-9pm from September until April. Reach out to a leader for more information or visit frontlinebible.com/young-adults/ to find out more about upcoming winter and spring events.
Join us every other Wednesday @ FBC September through April.
Invite a friend and ENGAGE!
2025 Engage Winter/Spring Schedule:
1.29.25: 7-9pm. Engage @ Tiffany Burn’s Home.
2.12.25: 7-9pm. Missions Conference Engage @ FBC.
2.26.25: 7-9pm. Engage location TBD.
3.12.25: 7-9pm. Engage location TBD.
3.26.25: 7-9pm. Engage @ the Craesmeyer Home.
4.9.25: 7-9pm. Engage @ the DeGraaf Home.
4.23.25: 6:30-9pm. Engage End of the Year Cook Out @ FBC.

Director of Engage Young Adults
Find photos of ENGAGE Young Adult ministry on their webpage!
Contact Joseph Craesmeyer with any questions

Women, are you looking for a place to connect & grow?
Frontline Women invite you to reach out to
someone on the leadership team (see the FWM webpage).
They would be glad to connect with you and walk with you as you grow.
Next Step Bible Studies

Missions Soup & Salad Dinner

Join us for the 2025 Women’s Soup & Salad Dinner! Middle School and High School girls are also welcome to attend this event to hear from the female missionaries. Sign up at frontlinebible.com/fwm.
2025 Frontline Women’s Retreat

Find the full details of this year’s Women’s Retreat at frontlinebible.com/fwm!

Director of Women’s Ministries
Go to Frontline Women’s webpage for more details

NEXT STEP Bible Studies for Men
- Wednesday Morning Men’s Bible Study @ FBC 7-9 AM, South Equipping Room. Join other guys as we study the book of Mark. This is a very informal, relaxed atmosphere for men of all levels of Bible knowledge.
Light breakfast is provided.
Guy’s Movie Night

Guys grab a friend and join us for GUYS MOVIE NIGHT, Friday, January 24 at 6:30pm. We’ll be watching Interstellar. Popcorn and drinks are provided! Interstellar is a thought-provoking science fiction cinema blockbuster starring Matthew McCounahgey, Matt Damon, Anne Hathaway, and Michael Caine. This is a powerful story of how love can be the tie that binds, even across galaxies. You are invited as a band of brothers from Frontline Bible Church to take a look at the Biblical and Gospel themes represented in this extraordinary film. Bring a friend and come upstairs to the Youth Room. We Are Interstellar is rated PG-13. Let Kevin Miles know if you have any questions, 616-402-0363
Men’s Banger Breakfast

Join us for our Men’s Banger Breakfast! We will be meeting in the FBC Multi Purpose Room for a hearty breakfast and real stories from real men of Frontline Bible Church. This breakfast will also be featuring our visiting male missionaries for the 2025 Missions Conference! High Schoolers age and up are welcome! Bring a friend with too! Please sign up so we have enough food to go around.

Director of Frontline Men
visit Frontline Men’s Webpage
Coming Up…

Join us for our Traditional-Style service in the Worship Center of Frontline Bible Church! This style service is every third Wednesday of the month at 11am. There is a time of worship through hymns, a message from a guest Pastor followed by lunch and a time of fellowship. This service is open to the community, please bring a friend! If you have any questions please contact John Records.
Byron Manor Sunday Services

Join us as we bless those Byron Manor! Several months of the year we provide a Sunday worship service for those living at Byron Manor in Byron Center. We request you join us in worshiping God with those at Byron Manor with us! Service begins at 3:00pm on February 2nd and lasts about 45 minutes. Find the full schedule at frontlinebible.com/fsm.

Director of Frontline Seniors
visit Frontline Seniors’ Webpage

What a privilege to pray for one another! Let’s be the CHURCH!
When prayer requests arrive in your email, take a moment to pause and pray for the needs. You will have an option to unsubscribe at your discretion. As always, email your requests & updates to: Dawn Orr & Beth Rustin at prayer@frontlinebible.com
Access the FBC Directory on the website. Email Sarah DeGraaf at sarah@frontlinebible.com for the password to access the Directory. Updated 10/17/24.
Allow three weeks for your order to be completed.