Pastor Bill Rigg continues the sermon series: Grace and Truth!
Sermon Title: Grace and Peace
Today concludes the time that Pastor Bill has committed to us to help while Pastor John is on his missions trip. We are blessed by having Pastor Bill share his time with us. Continue to pray for he and Nancy as Nancy continues her recovery. We also appreciate her prayers for us. Take a moment to express your appreciation to Pastor Bill.
Next Week Pastor Craig Apel will join us.

Pastor Craig Apel served in pastoral ministry for almost 50 years, in six different churches from coast to coast and then back to Michigan. His longest pastorate was at Berean Church (now Anchor Point Bible Church) in Muskegon where he served for 17 years. The Lord continues to open a variety of doors to ministry and he feels blessed in opportunities to serve Him. He and his wife Pat have been married 52 years this August and have three children and nine grandchildren here in West Michigan.