Departing January 7

Thank you for supporting and sending me on this nine month missions trip. I will begin my time in Bonaire. I will serve alongside GMI Missionaries Carlos and Denise Brunk. The main goal during this time is outreach evangelism and discipleship. I will also get to serve with the Lowders family during this time in Bonaire. April 7 I will head to Panama for three months. There I will continue to do outreach evangelism and discipleship with GMI Missionaries Mackensen’s and Barrantes’. July 4 through September 30, I will be in Costa Rica serving alongside Alonso Cabezas.
Prayer Requests
- Protection over my health
- Safety while traveling
- Responsiveness to God’s leading
- Pray that God will prepare the hearts of those I’ll be working with and reaching out to.
I will do my best to post updates and prayer requests. Leave me a message below, I would love to hear from you! Thank you for being my church!
Dann Youle
Praying for & with you, Anthony!
Anthony Beaulieu (Author)
Thank you Dann. I’m glad to be part of such a great loving church family to encourage me and pray for me 🙂
Tim Hoganson
Anthony, you’re about to embark on a fabulous experience. God bless you and we’ll be praying for you.
Anthony Beaulieu (Author)
Thank you for the prayers! I will be posting an update soon!
Dawn Orr
Anthony, Thank you for your willingness to go and serve on three different mission fields. I will be praying 🙏
Anthony Beaulieu (Author)
Thank you Dawn!
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