October 15, 2021
Dear Frontline Family,
Director of Worship Arts Update: A search committee was formed in August to assist the FBC Board with the task of hiring a new Director of Worship Arts to serve at Frontline Bible Church. The search committee considered several candidates for this position and recently made their recommendation to the Board. The board met with and interviewed the candidate recommended by the search committee. Based upon the candidate’s heart for ministry, qualifications, character, and experience the Board was unanimous in their decision to present this candidate to the voting members of our congregation for approval.

Leo Caldas
The candidate being recommended for this position is Leo Caldas. Leo comes well qualified for this position and currently serves as the Chapel and Worship Director at Grace Christian University. Prior to joining the staff at GCU, Leo was the Worship Director at the Wyoming Campus of Kentwood Community Church. He grew up in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and attended Grace Christian University where he majored in Worship Arts. He is married and currently lives in Wyoming, MI. If approved by the congregation, Leo would serve at Frontline 20 hours per week and continue to work at GCU in his current position. As part of the board’s proposal (if approved) Leo would oversee a Worship Arts intern who would assist Leo with some of the duties of the Worship Arts Ministries of FBC as assigned and overseen by the Director of Worship Arts.

Leo Caldas will be leading worship on October 24th and following the service that day there will be a FRONTLINE FORUM where our Frontline family will have an opportunity to meet Leo, hear his testimony, and ask any questions they may have. On the following Sunday, October 31st, we will have a CONGREGATIONAL MEETING following the morning service to vote on two proposals from the Board.
- To approve the Board’s recommendation to hire Leo Caldas as our Director of Worship Arts with an annual salary of $24,000, and an additional $3,000 to be designated to fund a worship arts internship program.
- To approve the expenditure of up to $15,000 to repair the air conditioning system for the auditorium at FBC.*
*Our Building Manager, Lynn Thomas has procured a quote to repair our existing system at a cost of just under $14,000. This would be a savings of many thousands of dollars compared to replacing the current system. There is a lead time of several months to order the required parts for this repair and therefore we are asking that this expenditure be approved this fall so that the system will be back in service next spring/summer. There will be an opportunity to ask questions about this expenditure at the Frontline Forum or you may talk directly to our building manager Lynn Thomas if you have questions or concerns.
Yours in Christ,
Dwayne Huff
Chairman of Board