November 19, 2021
Greetings Frontline Family,
I read recently that change is one of the things that is consistently rated by most adults as something they find highly uncomfortable and try to avoid if at all possible. Surprisingly it rates even higher than going to the dentist or doing your taxes! While many of us may struggle with change, we also know it is an inevitable part of life. At our FBC Board retreat in June of 2019 the board made the decision to change the Sunday morning schedule by moving the worship service later in the morning and moving Bible Hour, now called Bible Classes to our present time slot before the worship service. The decision to change the Sunday morning schedule was born out of a desire to revitalize our Sunday morning Bible classes and enhance opportunities for fellowship and being together as a church family. The new schedule was launched in the fall of 2020 with a good deal of excitement and momentum seemed to be building.
Then Covid hit and turned our world upside down. Our Bible classes were suspended and for several months in the spring and early winter of 2020 we were closed entirely to in-person worship. While the schedule change did bring about some of the results we were hoping to achieve, with Bible classes being suspended for most of 2020 and the first eight months of 2021 we have struggled to build back the lost momentum.
One of the areas that has been hit hardest in regards to lost momentum and attendance has been our Kids Bible Classes. At the request of our Frontline Kids Ministry Team the board undertook a review of our Sunday morning schedule over the past couple of months. After seeking input from parents and thoughtful deliberation the FBC Board has made the decision to switch the schedule back to one very similar to our previous schedule with the morning worship time from 9:45 to 11 AM followed by Bible Classes from 11:15 AM to Noon. While there were many positives with the new schedule that was put in place in 2019, having Bible Classes earlier in the morning and prior to the service in retrospect did seem to be an obstacle for some.
The new schedule will begin on January 9th and will coincide with the reintroduction of Kid’s Bible Classes for the first time in nearly two years! Your Frontline Kids Ministry Team, along with the FBC Board is excited to be kicking off Kid’s Bible Classes again and the Frontline Kids Ministry Team is working behind the scenes to get ready for the January launch.
I know change isn’t always easy and some of you may like the present schedule (or have just gotten used to it), but we hope you will join us in enthusiastically embracing this change and welcoming back our Kid’s Bible Classes! As we begin a new year in 2022, perhaps this will be a good time for you to get involved in a Sunday morning Bible Class or stick around and enjoy fellowship while your kids participate in a class!
We hope and trust that the relaunch of our Kid’s Bible Classes will be the first of many exciting things we see God do at Frontline in 2022! Please join me in praying for Frontline Bible Church as we prepare for and relaunch Bible Classes in the new year and begin the new Sunday morning schedule on January 9th!
Yours in Christ,
Dwayne Huff
Chairman of FBC Board