Tuesday December 8, 2020
Dear Frontline Family,
As you know the Frontline Board of Elders and Deacons made the decision several weeks ago to move to an online only format for our Sunday worship services through December 6th. This past Monday evening, December 7th, the board met again and determined that we would stay with an online only format through Sunday, January 10th. While this was not an easy decision to come to, we felt it was the appropriate decision to make at this time in light of a number of concerning factors. These factors include the still rising number of Covid-19 cases in our region, the growing strain on our health care systems, the rising incidence of cases within our Frontline community, the anticipated increase in exposure through holiday gatherings, and the unanimous recommendation of our medical advisory committee. While we will certainly miss gathering together for corporate worship during this time, we hope to be back together soon and have a goal of resuming in-person worship services at Frontline Bible Church on January 17th, 2021.
Until we are able to meet again in person, I encourage you to participate in our online worship services each Sunday, join us in blessing our community through the Christmas basket outreach, and engage with each other through phone calls, cards, emails, and social media. The Christmas holiday season can be a difficult time for many people in a normal year, yet alone a year when people are more isolated than ever and so many holiday traditions are disrupted. In times like these it is more important than ever that we reach out to and encourage each other with the hope we have in Jesus Christ.
May God bless you and keep you in his constant care,

Dwayne Huff
Chairman of the Board
Frontline Bible Church