20+ hours later (Grand Rapids > Charlotte, NC > Miami, FL > Curacao) . . . we finally made it! I know it’s now Thursday and y’all have probably been waiting for our first Curacao update, but we literally have been non-stop since getting here. We had great flights and only lost two suitcases out of our NINE checked bags but thankfully they were delivered to our Curacao home within 24 hours! One of the bags was John’s entire wardrobe for six months, but most importantly, the 2nd bag had my pillow (and Life Center supplies for our conferences). 😆

Pastor Roy from Grace Connection Church picked us up, brought us to our home-away-from home, we unpacked a little bit, changed into shorts and tank tops (it was about 88 and stormy when we landed) and then went to his house for a big, wonderful and delicious family supper. It was so nice to see many familiar faces again and meet new ones! ❤️

The last two days have been filled with settling into our place, getting to know the area, visiting the cruise port area, grocery shopping, volunteer work at the church and more unpacking! We’ve already had the wonderful opportunity of inviting local islanders to the church, as well as the marriage conference we’re having in a month. It’s been really cool seeing God work already and it’s only been a couple of days! 🙏🏼

Bon Nochi!
Tiffany Burns
I love the pictures! Keep them coming 🙂
Melinda Lowder (Author)
Thanks, Maryedith! Air hugs coming to ya! ((((hugs))))
– Melinda 🙂
Even rain looks better then 15” of snow. Replace screen on my phone$20 FIXED. Bent Stang retrieving a 99 Firebird for the boarder during the storm. When U need help, hate snow!
Dann Youle
So cool, you guys! Praying with you & thanks for the update!
Melinda Lowder (Author)
Thank you!!! 🙂
Keep the post coming! Love reading and seeing all of God’s goodness.
Thankful for you all, and your bags being found and delivered so quickly! 🎊🎉🎊
Love ya guys, keep up the amazing journey..
Melinda Lowder (Author)
Thank you! We had a great weekend and I’m looking forward to posting about it and all of our pictures! ❤️
I’m glad you guys made it safely ❤️. We will pray for all of you
Love Brain and Mariza
Melinda Lowder (Author)
Thank you so much for the prayers, Mariza and Brian! So good to hear from you! We’ll be posting many more pictures and an update from our first amazing weekend here! ❤️
Eric Gommesen
I’m happy that you made it safe & sound!
Melinda Lowder (Author)
Thanks, Eric! 🙂
Beth Keur
Glad you made it okay, got an update from Dawn yesterday, going to lunch next Friday and will miss you not being there! Looks and sounds like you are getting a good start to your mission, Love you! *your favorite aunt 😊❤️😘
Melinda Lowder (Author)
Thanks, Aunt Beth! Love and miss you too!
– Your Favorite Niece ❤️❤️❤️
Amanda Marzean
So good to hear how things are going and that you all made it safe! Love all of the pictures! Thank goodness you guys got your missing bags quickly!
Melinda Lowder (Author)
Thanks, Amanda! Sooo glad the luggage came too! More pics will be coming from this weekend soon!!! 🙂
Have fun! Be Jesus and see ya soon!!!
So sorry I didn’t get to say goodbye to you guys before you left. Glad you had a great trip. Praying for a great time of ministry for all of you. We will miss you.
❤️ Maryedith
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