Prayer Inspiration-MAY

Prayer Inspiration-MAY


Psalms 120:1
I took my troubles to the Lord; I cried out to him, and he answered my prayer.

  1. PRAY for God to show you people to fervently pray for that you can impact their lives through word, deed or example.
  2. PRAY for God’s creation, that we care for this world as God intends.
  3. PRAY specifically for one of your five that need to know the Lord. Pray for the needs they may have, an opening to share the gospel with them, a willingness to learn about Jesus.
  4. PRAY for President Bidon that he would lead our country with Godly choices and wisdom.
  5. PRAY for opportunities to have a meaningful conversation about salvation with one of your “My Five.”
  6. PRAY for decreased tension between races and that we all can respect and learn from each other. Pray the church will lead the way to unity.
  7. PRAY for protection of the unborn. Pray their lives would be saved. Pray for their parents that they can get the support they need to choose life.
  8. PRAY for those imprisoned that they could learn about the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Pray for those inmates that know you as their Savior to have opportunities to share the gospel with other inmates.
  9. PRAISE specifically for one of your five that need to know the Lord. Pray for the needs they may have, an opening to share the gospel with them, a willingness to learn about Jesus.
  10. PRAY for the November election. Pray for candidates who will guide this country with God’s counsel and direction.
  11. PRAY for our congress and senate to make Godly decisions for our country and set aside party biases that prevent resolution.
  12. PRAY for protection, warmth and resources to meet the needs for people experiencing homelessness.
  13. PRAY that those on the mission field that they would have a powerful testimony to those in their country. PRAY for people to come to know the Lord.
  14. PRAY specifically for one of your five that need to know the Lord. Pray for the needs they may have, an opening to share the gospel with them, a willingness to learn about Jesus.
  15. PRAY for world peace. Pray for safety and endurance for those countries currently in a war. Pray for resolution and a peaceful end to the conflict.
  16. PRAY that our church attracts those who need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. Pray they feel loved, encouraged, supported and mentored by attendees at FBC to grow in their relationship with the Lord.
  17. PRAY for our schools that they can be a safe place for children and each child would be able to learn to their potential.
  18. PRAY that one of your “my five” reaches out to you for a need. Pray for the resources (time, talent, treasure) to meet that need so they can see Jesus through you.
  19. PRAY for individuals to be comfortable with how God created them and not to feel they need to change their identity.
  20. THANK GOD for living in a country that is so blessed with so much. COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS, naming them one by one and give thanks to God for those blessings.
  21. PRAY specifically for one of your five that need to know the Lord. Pray for the needs they may have, an opening to share the gospel with them, a willingness to learn about Jesus.
  22. PRAY for Governor Witmer that she would lead Michigan as God directs. Pray for her encouragement and wisdom in making decisions.
  23. THANK THE LORD for your “My Five” that you have an opportunity to pray consistently for them and for them to come to know the Lord or grow in the Lord.
  24. PRAY for your “My Five” will have need to reach out to you for conversation or to meet a need. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance for words to share.
  25. PRAY for the men and women that serve in our armed forces. Pray for their safety and wisdom in defending our country.
  26. PRAY for the Supreme Court that they would follow God’s direction with deciding laws for our country.
  27. PRAY for those who are oppressed that they could find comfort and endurance from God through their oppression. PRAY they are freed from it.
  28. PRAY specifically for one of your five that need to know the Lord. PRAY for the needs they may have, an opening to share the gospel with them, a willingness to learn about Jesus.
  29. PRAY for the young that they would grow to be strong, Godly leaders in our world. PRAY they will have a good Biblical foundation to stand strong in the face of adversity.
  30. PRAY for the older adults that they would have quality of life in their senior years. PRAY our seniors would find ways to share the wisdom from their life for others to learn from them.
  31. PRAY for your “My Five” to be convicted by the Holy Spirit to bring them to a salvation decision.