I first off want to thank you all for all of your prayers and encouragement. God has been doing some awesome things which I am excited to share about below! I thank you all for your encouraging texts and prayers while I have been here!

This week I have been able to do a lot of walking around the city to get a feel for where everything is and meet people that are part of different communities. Since I’ve been here, I feel like I’ve had a really heightened sense of the Holy Spirit’s leading when it comes to things like: “I should really go this way and stop at this store,” or “I should walk this way again and then wait here for a couple of minutes to see if someone comes by that I can talk to.” Or even, “there is someone here I should talk to, I should talk to that person.” There have been many other promptings that opened up doors to start a conversation with someone and connect with them on a deep level which not only started friendships, but also being invited to then come out with them and meet their friends and build even more connections.
I was able to meet a neighbor and it was his birthday so he invited me out to go meet his friends and such. I talked to him about disc golf and how I want to make a small course and teach the people here how to play and they instantly had interest and gave me their numbers so that we can hangout and play! This is a huge opportunity and I’ve been able to spark conversation and build connections with people through them wanting to learn about disc golf! Within some of these connections, I’ve been able to talk about God, why I’m here, do some apologetics, and have some genuine conversations with some of them.
Pictures of around the city about 5 minute walk from my apartment
A few of these connections are really searching for life, and I’ve had talks with them and shared my story and they want to know more about the Bible and how to know it’s true when there’s so many other religions. Please pray for myself and these people that we can make time to get together and that I can communicate the truth to them clearly and that they will have open hearts. In general, please pray for more opportunities with the many others that I’ve been able to connect with as well.
Pastor Carlos Brunk and his wife Denise have been out of the country so I’ve been a lone wolf this week, which hasn’t been a problem at all because I’ve been driven to explore the cities and build connections with people. Pastor Brunk and his wife will return today and then ministries will begin to start again as well as Pastor John and his family will arrive tomorrow. I’m excited to get connected with the church here and reunited with Pastor John and his family! Thank you again for the prayers and support. I love you all.
Dawn Orr
Loved reading this update, Anthony. Praise the. LORD for these connections you’ve made already! Praying Ephesians 3:14-21 now. 🙏 🙏
Mary Lenger
How awesome to be led by the Holy Spirit in the seemingly small steps of your days. Contentment! Praying for your health and stamina as you meet the people God has pre-chosen for you, Anthony.
Roger Russ
All of this looks good. We are praying for you and trust you will be able to get regular meetings started. Thanks for letting us know what is happening.
Great job on your first post! We’re looking forward to joining you tomorrow and doing ministry together these next three months!! 😀
Sheryl Idema
What a great start. You are so very good at making connections where ever you go. It’s a gift. I’m sure you’re excited to look forward to ministry together with the Lowders. I Pray blessings abound and you will continue hearing that still small voice inside you clearly. Miss ya!
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