
As we continue to navigate the latest updates in regards to the COVID-19 pandemic we are pleased to continue to offer multiple ways for you to participate with us at Frontline Bible Church. If you are ready to resume gathering at church, please join us. Service will begin at 10:25 a.m. and have a few guidelines that have been put in place to worship together safely:

  1. Masks are REQUIRED upon arrival. Please bring one with you as we strive to protect the health and safety of those in attendance. If you forget to bring one, we will have one for you. Masks are to be worn at all times while inside the building per the state of Michigan requirements, unless one is unable to wear one for medical purposes.
  2. Social distancing will be enforced with blue tape that indicates the distance needed to be taken, as well as every other row being blocked off to allow for social distancing. Families may sit together, but a minimum of four chairs should separate each group during the service.
  3. Sanitizing stations are available as you are greeted at the door. Feel free to use these stations as many times as needed.
  4. Drinking fountains and the multi-purpose room are unavailable to the general public.
  5. The congregation will be dismissed by row to protect having large gatherings exiting at the same time. Those who want to stick around and talk are welcomed to do so outside of the building in the parking lot. Social distancing is still to be enforced during these interactions.

For those who do not yet feel comfortable returning, that is okay! We welcome you to join us online as we strive to bring the FBC community to you during this time. You can find the service under the WATCH tab or go directly to the link on the FBC YOUTUBE CHANNEL. Our hope is that you will feel comfortable to worship where you are and that you will return to in-person service when you are ready! 

If you are feeling uncertain about your health or are vulnerable because of a medical condition or age, please stay home and worship there. There will be some measure of unavoidable risk associated with attending a service as we continue to navigate the current pandemic. We believe that following guidelines and maintaining social distancing do provide a safe environment with low risk but nevertheless there still is risk in choosing to be in person.

Ultimately, our primary aim is to keep the environment as safe as possible as we come together as brothers and sisters in Christ to worship Him, give thanks for all He has done for us, and to learn, grow, and become equipped together as a body. If you come, please do your part to help us keep the church and the members of the church safe, and prepare your heart for worship.

In His Service,
Frontline Bible Church Board

