Loving our Missionary Families
Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Mark 16:15
- PRAY for the supplies collected through the Byron Center Ministry Drive to bless those who need them; let them see Jesus through these donations.
- PRAY for the Mission’s Committee (Joe Mattias, Amy Riemersma, Paula Lender, Paul Anderson, Wade Rustin) as they prepare for the mission’s conference.
- PRAY for Chetra and Julia Hong’s ministry in Cambodia, especially for their work with training Borey, Simon, and Soy for the eldership team.
- PRAY for God to prepare the Mexican people to be ready to embrace a second church plant.
- PRAY for the ministry to grow and deepen in Paraguay with Cleiton and Viviane Menor.
- PRAY for Brook Seekins’ ministry in Malawi to grow and make a powerful impact in the local community and beyond.
- PRAY for Joel and Leah Sanders’ as they prepare for their ministry in Malaysia. PRAY that God will orchestrate all the details to leave as planned.
- PRAY for health and no further health events for Chetra and Julia as they have had challenges over the past year.
- PRAY for the Children’s Church Missionary World’s Fair to make an impact on the children involved and on those that attend. Pray there is a greater personal connection to our missionary families.
- PRAY for Kevin and Beatriz Craesmeyer’s as they prepare for their ministry in Mexico. PRAY for God to orchestrate the details to make the process go smoothly without delays.
- PRAY for spiritual growth and numerical growth for the Iglesia Biblica Bereana church in Paraguay. Pray this church will make a powerful impact within their local community.
- PRAY the Women’s Worship event will change hearts for the Lord; PRAY for a deepening relationship with God.
- PRAY for Coached by Christ that they would have a wonderful time of fellowship with the missionary families.
- PRAY for a night of fun and connection with the Love and Laughter dinner and comedy show. Pray that marriages are strengthened through this event.
- Pray for the men as they fellowship at the Men’s Missionary Breakfast; PRAY for God to speak to hearts through this time together.
- PRAY for great fellowship and connection with each other and the missionaries at the all-church potluck.
- PRAY for the missionary ladies as they share their hearts at the Missionary Ladies Soup and Salad; PRAY for those in attendance that lives would be changed.
- PRAY for God to send more missionaries to serve in Paraguay; PRAY for encouragement to manage the workload of the loss of two missionary families.
- PRAY for Henry and Grettel Gonzalez’s preparation as they have recently joined GMI and prepare to serve in Paraguay.
- PRAY for Henry and Grettel Gonzalez’s preparation as they have recently joined GMI and prepare to serve in Paraguay.
- PRAY for God to prepare the right people in Paraguay to participate in the future workshops and conferences to be effective servant led local church leaders. PRAY for the Gonzalez’s as they lead this ministry.
- PRAY for Chetra and Julia to be successful in setting up a social work team to bridge the gap between inside the church and outside the church. PRAY this will be a blessing to those unchurched in their community.
- PRAY for the ongoing spread of the gospel through on social media platforms. PRAY for the Gonzalez’s wisdom in running this ministry and managing almost one million followers.
- PRAISE God for all the people willing to serve in the Iglesia Biblica Bereana church; PRAY more will have a servant’s heart and be willing to serve.
- PRAY for the growth of the youth ministry in Malawi; pray the youth will make a salvation decision.
- PRAY God prepares Mexico for the development of a Spiritual Leadership for men and marital counseling ministry.
- PRAY for all the missionary children to travel well, adjust to all the different environments, feel connected and be blessed by others investing in them. Pray for their safety and adaptability.
- PRAY to seek God’s guidance of how He is calling you to serve to spread the gospel to the world.
yOU CAN ALSO VISIT gRACE mINISTRIES iNTERNATIONAL AND tHINGS TO COME MISSIONS’ webpages to donate to fbc supported missionaries and read more about their ministries.