

GIVE to Missionary fund at
Frontline Bible Church

Frontline Bible Church believes that all Christians have a responsibility to be engaged in world missions. We are called to spread the message of God’s grace to all the world. Engagement comes in many different forms; prayer, financial support, mission trips, projects, partnerships, and encouragement of missionaries. The Missions Committee at Frontline Bible Church meets at least once a month to prayerfully consider how we can strategically partner in world missions.

To request MISSIONS FINANCIAL SUPPORT (according to our GUIDELINES) please print and complete this form and return it to a member of the Missions Committee.

Missions Contribution Policy for trips:
Your generous contributions to support mission’s trips will be allocated to the designated person you are supporting.  Any contributions above and beyond the trip costs for the designated person will be allocated to the mission trips general fund for the next Frontline sponsored missions trip. 

Joe Mattias
Director of Missions

Missions Committee: Joe Mattias, Chairman, Paula Lenger, Treasurer; Paul Anderson, IT/Secretary; Amy Riemersma, Vice Chairperson; and Wade Rustin

Mission Organizations We Support:

Grace Ministries International is an evangelical, Bible-believing, missionary sending organization committed to sharing God’s grace with the world by bringing people to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and incorporating them into strong, self-sustaining churches.

Things to Come Ministries
Latest Ministry Update –

International Harvest
Bulletin Insert – April – May

Word of Grace Mission
Since 1986 Word of Grace Mission has been committed to sharing the gospel of the grace of God. Faith in Christ is the only requirement to receive God’s gift of eternal life! Yet the majority of people alive today still believe in man’s efforts as the way to redeem himself. So, “…being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God.” (Romans 10:3) What will their end be? Who will save them from it?


Talo & Patty Vergara

Talo – January 23
Patty – July 8
Lucas – February 8
Matias – December 18

Anniversary: July 15

Children: Lucas & Matias

Serving as missionaries through GMI
Monthly support: $75
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Latest Prayer Letter

Field Address:
c/o GMI 
PO Box 9405
Grand Rapids, MI 49509

Email: talopattyvergara@gmail.com


Prayer requests:

  • Pray for wisdom in organizing their time and not get to overwhelmed with all they have and can do.
  • Pray for Patty energy as she teaches both boys at homeschool.
  • Pray for CBG, there are many new students, we have a great number of students and that causes a good number of challenges.

God has been teaching them a mix of patience and love but discipline that they need to lead their children.


Joe & Michelle Campos

“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—
the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.”
 Acts 20:24

Daughter: Isabelle
Monthly support: $100
Follow Joe on Facebook
Follow Michelle on Facebook

Latest Prayer Letter

Field Address:
PO Box 127
Beech Grove, IN 46107
Email: jcampos@tcmusa.org

Joe: February 21
Michelle: August 26
February 17

“God taught me a lot of persistent this last year. Having been taking care of two churches has not been an easy task, it was quite a challenge many times. But He gave us persistence and energy.”

Paul & Mariana Craesmeyer

“I want to know Christ—
yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings,
becoming like him
in his death,”
– Philippians 3:10

Son: Mathias

Serving as missionaries through Word of Grace
Monthly support: $50
Follow Paul on Facebook
Follow Mariana on Facebook

Field Address:
Rua Falchi Gianini, 170, Vila Prudente
03136-040 São Paulo/SP Brasil

Paul: June 26
Mariana: October 1
Mathias: October 3
Anniversary: October 1


Please Pray:

  • We’re looking to the Lord for wisdom regarding our son Mathias’ schooling. His studies are going well, but he has been expressing himself more about it lately, and we think it’s time to make some changes that will increase how much he benefits from his academic education.
  • I also would like to pray for a new student who wants to be trained in the Word for ministry: Yuri. He is very intentional in his studies, but has filled his plate too much and is struggling to find time for our sessions in Scripture.
  • For Mathias’s heart to always be willing to do God’s will as he grows.
  • For Mariana’s ministry with the ladies all over Brazil, as they dig deeper in the Word together.
  • For Mariana’s studies with BBI USA working towards a certificate.
  • For our leadership training through BBI Brazil, for the new courses we’re preparing to offer.
  • For our new Bible study with young people in the northern side of São Paulo, for growth in Christ.
  • For our church meetings in our home to grow and bear fruit.


Tom & Michelle Sanchez

“Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves,
others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ.”
– 2 Corinthians 9:13a

Serving as missionaries through GMI
Monthly Support: $50
Follow on Facebook:
Tom’s Page
Michelle’ Page
Team Burundi

Latest Prayer Letter

Field Address:
Grace Ministries
Tom & Michelle Sanchez
B.P. 7183
Bujumbura, Burundi

Tom: August 28
Michelle: July 20

December 28


Please Pray:

  • Grace Bible Institute: We’re praying for four partner sites to host week long Bible school sessions in key geographical locations yet to be identified.
  • The renewal of our Residence Visas through Hope Africa University.
  • A strong relationship with Hope Africa University and for our part-time teaching assignments. 
  • Michelle will begin teaching at Great Lakes School of Theology and Hope Africa University. Pray that class size will be manageable.
  • Pray that the street ministry grows and sees participants established in churches.
  • One of our goals this term is to shift to a Bible teaching podcast. We need to add Kirundi as a language of outreach.


Chetra & Julia (Liles) Hong

“All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.” 2 Corinthians 4:15 (NIV)

Monthly support: $100
Follow on Facebook

Field Address:
PO Box 127 Beech Grove, IN 46107

Latest Prayer Letter

Chetra: March 14
Julia: August 23
Anniversary: April 12

  • Pray we complete the children’s room and organise all our resources well for CGGC!
  • Pray for our Board of Trustees retreat and planning; 13th-15th of October!
  • Pray for the Wikarys 6 weeks with us including our trip to M* on 18th-24th October!
  • Please pray for our health as lots of us have come down with heavy colds!
  • Please pray for Sopheavy. Julia’s Buddhist language tutor. As she will grow in understanding and eventually desire to accept Jesus as her Lord and Saviour!

God has been teaching me that He orchestrates all things… I must just be ready and willing to move and speak as He leads!

What book of the Bible are they Currently reading?

  • One big project for this year is Chetra training up an eldership team with the support of our other team mate James. We have three Khmer men that are willing to take on this role and ultimately share the responsibility of leading the church in the future. Their names are Borey, Simon and Soy.
  • Chetra and I are planning to set up a social work team in the community to bridge the gap between inside the church and outside… It’s a big task to initiate and will take planning and good preparation, but we are super excited to get this going and get people involved!

For 2023 the Lord has been teaching us more about faithful commitment to His will and ways. We need to let Him lead the way since He is totally relatable and He is our strength and will accomplish the tasks He needs us to do!


Simon and Edah Mwanamoya

Family Verse:
‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ Jeremiah 33:3 (NIV)

Eunice, Simon, Jr., Daniel, and SanteMercy
Monthly Support: $50
Follow Simon on Facebook
Latest Prayer Letter

Field Address:
Plot 5009/82
Mulungushi Plots
Kabwe, Central Zambia 80236


Simon – May 20
Edah – March 7
Shalom – December 24
Eunice – June 11
Simon, Jr. – August 11
Daniel – August 10
SanteMercy – December 27

December 24



  • That the family be under God’s protection.
  • A new season in the ministry.
  • Upcoming leadership meeting May 28th.
  • Their first born daughter, Shalom. will be in the USA to attend GCU, MAY God lead during this time.
  • Pray for their ministry transport, they don’t have enough money to buy a vehicle. They need a strong vehicle to drive the dirty and mountainous roads.


A church was planted through a sports outreach in the town of Big Bend.

What are you reading in the bible?


Our main project we will be working on is leadership development through out Eswatini, getting strategic people for training, our target is to train 100 people who will be a key to train others .


Robby & Tegwen Heath

“Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.”
1 Chronicles 16:23-24

Vernon, Vesper, Vivian
Monthly support: $75

Latest Prayer Letter

Field Address:
P.O. Box 127
Beech Grove, IN 46107


God has been teaching me about my role in mission work and how I can never become complacent in the ministry.

Robby –
September 28
Tegwen – January 31
Vernon –
November 21
Vesper – May 7
Vivian – December 22

Anniversary: May 23


I plan to build shops in the front of the school along the road. This will bring in some income for the school and the national work, lessening their dependence on outside help. With this new flexibility, they can plant more churches, train new pastors and missionaries, and partner with us in taking the Gospel to East Africa. Our idea is to use two old shipping containers and convert them into shops – maybe 6-8. We will hire a manager to oversee the shop management and ensure tenants pay their rent.


Titus & Kristy Lloyd

“To equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.”
Ephesian 4:12

Zechariah, Matthew, Margaret, and Caleb.
Monthly support: $100
Follow Titus on Facebook
Follow Kristi on Facebook

Latest Prayer Letter

Field Address:

c/o African Bible College 
PO Box 1028
Lilongwe, Malawi

Health Update: Titus is still dealing with back pain after his surgery but getting stronger every day. He has another set of scans in early march and if all looks good they hope to be going back to Malawi in April.


Titus – July 29
Kristy – August 16
Zechariah – April 20
Matthew –
December 28
Maggie – October 22
Caleb – November 25

Anniversary: July 18

  • Zech is home working for the summer.
  • Matthew is busy getting ready for college.
  • Lots of family events and not as much traveling.
  • Both Zech and Matthew are trying to get their driver’s licenses.

What has God been teaching you?
“God is trying to teach me patience and trust in Him!” – Titus

Jack & Jane Mango

Monthly support: $50
Follow Jack on Facebook

Latest Newsletter

Field Address:
c/o GMI 
PO Box 9405
Grand Rapids, MI 49509


Jack – November 11
Jane – June 17

October 25


Brian & Gloria Abranovich

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” ‭‭
2 Timothy‬ ‭2‬:‭15‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Monthly Support: $50

Field Address:
c/o GMI 
PO Box 9405
Grand Rapids, MI 49509




Some of the generals things that I can say that God teach us, it was the “models”. We all have models, or styles that we learned, but when we arrived here, all these models, or styles were really different, to do Church here in Africa is way different than in America, even in South America where we are. And be humble and understand that “my model” or “my style” is not the correct or their model or style is not incorrect, is something that I learned. Sometimes the simplicity, and to see that with a few things people can praise the Lord and be thankful, joyful. We don’t need to many things for that, just a heart that is gratefully. A like Paul said “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.“ ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭4‬ ‭ESV

Latest Prayer Letter

Brian – June 13
Gloria – March 25
Nina – April 5
Amelie – January 11

September 7

  • Please pray as we wait for an answer about our visas.
  • Looking for a house and car.

What book of the Bible are you reading?


Our hope is that in this new year we will be in Mozambique. Then the big thing will be start with the Church there. Meanwhile we will continue helping the missionaries here.

Givemore & Sylvia Nyakambiri

“All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.”
– 2 Corinthians 5:18

Tarsha-Naj, Heather, Ash-Berac, J-Nathan
Monthly support: $50
Follow Givemore on Facebook

Latest Newsletter

Field Address:
Grace Church in Malawi
PO Box 20043
Lilongwe, Malawi


Givemore – February 9
Sylvia – May 9
Tarsha-Naj – June 29
Heather – November 17
Ash-Berac – August 28
J-Nathan – December 1

Anniversary: March 18

  • The results of J-Nathan was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma on July 3, Pray God’s presence and peace as J-Nathan has already started treatment.
  • Pray that we get registration certificate to go into Mozambique.
  • For Sylvia, who is experiencing stress due to their son’s health.
  • Pray that they value marriage as God does.


Aaron & Adela Cordero

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor.”
— 1 Corinthians 3:6-8

Monthly support: $50
Latest Prayer Letter

Field Address:
c/o GMI 
PO Box 9405
Grand Rapids, MI 49509


Aaron – May 27
Adela – September 30
Elena –

Anniversary: October 1

  • Elena is here, Mother and baby are doing good.
  • For enough energy to be able to do well his work in the ministry.
  • To do well as a husband and now as a father.
  • They have enough resources to give their daughter everything she needs to be well.
  • For their residences to be approved.

What book of the Bible are you reading?
Ephesians 5.


Alvaro & Mauren Barrantes

“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”
— 1 Corinthians 15:58

“Say hello to the Frontline Bible Church brothers and sister in christ, Let them know we miss them and we are so grateful for watching over us” – Alvaro

Josue, Sofia, and Elisa
Monthly Support: $50
Join their Facebook Group

Pura Vida en Panama

Latest Prayer Letter

Field Address:
c/o GMI 
PO Box 9405
Grand Rapids, MI 49509


The biggest learning in 2023 was to trust in Him more and more. It was a tiring year but we can see Him hold us too tight.

Alvaro – September 1
Mauren – November 4
Josue – May 9
Sofia – October 16
Elisa – April 4

Anniversary: February 25

  • For the new people attending the church for their spiritual growth commitment.
  • For more families, couples or individual missionaries or local leader to serve along side with us.
  • The Barrantes Family are going to Costa Rica next Wednesday. Josue and I do not have American visa so we are going to make the request there.
  • For Panama Church Rent assistance project; 50% has been raised but that amount has not increasing over the last couple of months.

What book of the Bible are you reading?


For 2024 our main goal or project is to seek for a land where we can start building a place where we can meet on Sundays and where we can carry out the other ministries.

Anthony & Pamela Beaulieu

Monthly Support: $125
Follow Anthony on Facebook
Follow Pamela on Facebook
Field Address:
c/o GMI 
PO Box 9405
Grand Rapids, MI 49509

Anthony – October 22
Pamela – November 16
Anniversary – December 28

Ronnie & Jaque Mackensen

“For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
— Romans 8:38-39

Monthly Support: $100
Follow Jaque on Facebook
Follow Ron

Latest Prayer Letter

Field Address:
c/o GMI 
PO Box 9405
Grand Rapids, MI 49509


 God has been teaching us to trust Him and that only through complete dependence on Him we are able to please Him

Ronnie – December 4
Jaque – September 28
Noah – July 17

September 10

  • For our church, Comunidad Bíblica de la Gracia, that as it continues growing that the people feel the call to serve  alongside us and the Barrantes.
  • For our kids’ ministries, that they can be reamplified and that we can also have more people helping us with the kids’ ministry
  • For more missionaries to come and help us here in Panama.
  • We have a small teenage group of guys (3), they are kind of going through a tough phase of not feeling like they belong to any of the church groups that we have. They are older than most of the other little kids yet younger than the college aged kids. We are praying that we can start a high school youth group next year 2024. We are also praying that we can send them this year to a teenage youth camp in Panama city this November so that they can be spiritually built up with other teenage Christian kids that are their age. This is something we are hoping and praying that some people may feel called to partner financially with us to help send these young men to the camp this November. The cost for each teenager to go to the youth camp is $100.00. If you know anyone that would be interested in partnering with us please put them in contact with me. Thank you.
  • We will be traveling to the US this July. We hope to stay for 6 months. Please pray that we are able to enter the US easily, that we are able to get some rest and that we have a good time of fellowship with family and with brothers and sisters in Christ while we visit churches.

What has God been teaching you? God has been teaching us to trust in him in all circumstances.

What book of the Bible are you reading?
Ronnie – Proverbs
Jaque – Amos


We we’ll be working in starting and developing a youth program.

Cecy Torres

Cecy Torres
Monthly support:$50
Birthday: April 13
Email: cecy@gracem.org
Latest Prayer Letter


I will be working in preparing leaders; specially for Sunday School and Worship leaders.


God has been teaching me sooo much… He has taught me how much I need to learn, that I don’t know it all. I have been learning that God called me to 1st spend time with Him, everything else can wait and comes after. God has taught me that I wasn’t as an adjustable as I thought and that I need to be humble and ask for help, I can’t do it on my own, and I don’t have to know everything, as I suspected, someone who is vulnerable is more teachable than someone who is not. I don’t have to have everything figured it out, in the way God will continue showing me what to do and what to say.


Cory & Kim Hodgson

Naomi, Elijah, and Timothy
Monthly support: $75
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Latest Prayer Letter

Field Address:
c/o GMI 
PO Box 9405
Grand Rapids, MI 49509


Cory – October 20
Kim – May 20
Naomi – August 1
Elijah – August 6
Timothy –
November 3

Anniversary: July 7


For safety on the roads and meaningful connections with people we meet. Greetings to your family!

Following the Hodgson’s
They are currently in Seal Beach, CA .

Cleiton & Viviane Menor

Laura, Elisa, and Lucas
Monthly Support: $50
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Latest Prayer Letter

Field Address:
c/o GMI 
PO Box 9405
Grand Rapids, MI 49509


Cleiton – July 25
Viviane – March 13
Laura – March 31
Elisa – March 31
Lucas – August 3

Anniversary: October 19

  • For Paraguay church plant – Iglesia Bíblica Bereana (Berean Bible church) in the city of Presidente Franco. The church is in the process of membership and organizing its ministries. We have good number of local people willing to serve.
  • For more missionaries to come to Paraguay. Last year they had 4 Missionary families. Now they are down to 2 with one in the states.

South Africa

Dean & Sheba Padahag

“But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.”
Acts 20:24 (NKJV)

Shedea and Shedesh
Monthly Support: $50
Dean’s Facebook Page
Latest Update

Suite 240 Private Bag X043 BENONI 1500 South Africa

Email: dpadayhag

Latest Prayer Letter

Dean – January 21
Sheba – June 24
Shedea – July 28
Shedesh – December 12

Anniversary: December 3

  • That we can buy land to put up our national headquarters. We want to build a multi-purpose facility for our conferences, camps, Bible school, and national offices. It will be our biggest project so far, but we believe it is time to step up in faith and see what GOD will do.
  • For Grace Outreach Ministries South Africa (GOMSA) leadership.
  • Their LOVE for the Lord, KNOWLEDGE of His Word, and PASSION for His Word will continue to grow more and more. South Africa and the Grace work need them.
  • For our health. A lot of sicknesses are going around in South Africa. Covid and other virus infections are increasing again. Many of our people are sick and unable to come to church.
  • For the economic situation in South Africa. The cost of living and gas and food prices are increasing. Many companies are closing due to long daily power outages.
  • On August 8-22, we will be traveling to Kenya (Africa). We are scheduled to teach at Kenya Grace Bible School from the 10th-17th and speak at their national conference from the 17th (afternoon)-the 20th. Things to Come Mission will pay for my (Dean) airfare, but we have to raise funds for Sheba, Shedea, and Shedesh’s airfares. We must get visas for the four of us and get yellow fever vaccines, as well. We want to raise at least $2000 for the trip to cover everything. Please pray for our health (Kenya is in the Malaria zone), safety (it is supposed to be a 5-hour flight, but direct flights are expensive. So, we want to get a 1-stop or multiple stops flight), and that we will be mutually blessed as we fellowship in the Word and with the believers there. Your gift for this trip will surely lighten our financial burden and make this trip possible. Please know that we appreciate your prayers and financial support. If you are interested in helping us raise this amount, you can send your gift to: THINGS TO COME MISSION PO Box 127 Beech Grove, IN 46107 Just put-Dean and Sheba-Kenya trip

What is God teaching you?
to trust our fellow leaders as they lead and serve.

What book of the Bible are you reading?
2 Corinthians


Our project has been the focus of our prayers and giving. It’s a $50,000 kickstart project to buy land and start the building. It’s the first time that we have had this massive project. It’s scary! Any amount going toward this project would lighten our burden and brighten the possibility of having our own ministry “home” soon.


To connect those in need in the greater Byron Center area to Jesus Christ through the ministries of His church.

Making fishers of men by practicing Christianity Outdoors.

At Grace’s Table, we want teen moms to feel loved, cared for, and part of a community. We don’t want them to live in isolation and apart from advocacy and hope.

Read their Quarterly Newsletter today!

We offer discipleship-based counseling to individuals, seniors, premarital, couples, youth, children, lay leaders, and pastors.

We also offer Classes, Conferences in additional to counseling.

We have three locations: Grand Rapids, Byron Center (Frontline Bible Church), and Rockford.


Remembrance Ranch is a 12-month transformation experience for teenagers and their families in high risk situations.   

We are a faith-based, non-denominational, therapeutic program for teenagers struggling at home and/or at school. Our team includes licensed social workers, case managers, and experienced mentors.

The purpose of Stage 5 Ministry is to help walk a person through this process. It does not matter what stage you are currently in; you only need to have a desire to be more intimate with God and to move towards Stage 5.

Check out the website.  https://stage5ministry.com/