Frontline Women

Frontline Women

Our mission is to see women connecting & growing to God and to each other. This is why you see
“Connect & Grow” on our communications.
if we can help you connect & grow!

Join us for an intimate night of worship and connection! Contemplative worship will be followed by a FBC sister sharing her spiritual journey and concluding with a small group sharing time. Friends are more than welcome to attend with you!

Join us for a winter hike after church! Please bring your own lunch to eat at church before heading to Prairie Wolf Park. We will eat lunch around 12:15 after Bible hour at FBC and leave around 1pm for the hike, be back around 2/2:30pm. Sign up so we know you are planning to attend this event! This event is dependent upon the weather, please dress appropriately. 

It is with great pleasure Frontline Women Ministries and the Retreat Team are asking you to join us for our annual retreat this spring.  During the weekend we have four sessions that include fun interactions, worship with singing and a devotion, along with time to meet in small groups.   

THEME: God is BIGGER… based on Jeremiah 32:27 “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?”. 
DATE AND TIME:  Friday, April 25th at 6:00 pm through Sunday, April 27th at noon LOCATION:  Spider Lake Resort, 4370 North Spider Lake Road, Traverse City, MI

ROOMS:  All rooms have two queen beds and a bathroom.  On the registration form, there will be a line for you to indicate one person you want to room with.  If you are paying for the two person room, you will each get your own bed.  If you are paying for the standard room, you will share a bed with the person you indicated you wanted to room with.  If you do not indicate someone to share a room with, please feel free to talk with someone on the retreat team if you have any concerns.  


  • Standard four people to a room – $130 per person
  • Two people to a room – $175 per person (this option is limited)

FOOD:   Meals are included.  We ask you to bring one snack or food item to help with the cost (we will be in touch with you after March 16th on this).  Also note that there will be a place on the registration form to let us know if you have any dietary restrictions.  We do our best to accommodate all dietary needs.

PAYMENT:  This year payment will have to be made by cash or check only.  Please make checks payable to Frontline Bible Church.  Payment should be given to Kathy Domsic or another member of the retreat team.  

REGISTRATION:  Opens January 26 and closes March 16, 2025.  Space is limited to 50 people. This retreat is for regular attendees of Frontline Bible Church only.

More information regarding food, car pooling, packing items will be given to you once registration is closed after March 16, 2025.  We are so looking forward to having you attend the retreat this year! It is going to be an awesome time of fun, learning, and getting to know each other better!

Retreat Team: Kathy Domsic, Casey Gutierrez, Aubree Domsic, Joann VanEeuwen, Val Carroll, Megan Thomas

FWM Winter & Spring Schedule:
1.26.25: 1-2:30pm. Winter Hike.
2.12.25: 7-8:30pm. Women’s Worship on Wednesdays.
2.17.25: 6-9pm. Missions Soup & Salad Dinner.
3.12.25: 7-8:30pm. Women’s Worship on Wednesdays.
3.21.25: 6-9pm. Game & Puzzle Night.
4.25-27.25: Women’s Retreat. Save the date!

FWM Summer Schedule:
5.17.25: 9-11am. Coffee & Connection.
6.21.25: 9-11am. Coffee & Connection.
7.12.25: 9-11am. Coffee & Connection.

FWM Next Steps header
2025 Next Step Bible Studies info below

Finding the Hero in Your Husband

Wednesdays—Beginning January 15 6:30–8:30 pm, Six Week Study.
FBC Conference Room. 
Facilitated by Tiffany Huff 

Join Tiffany Huff as she facilitates this Next Step Bible Study: Finding the Hero in your Husband by Dr. Julianna Slattery.
In Finding the Hero in Your Husband, Dr. Slattery uses illustrative case studies and scriptural guidelines to answer many essential questions and reframe common, but often false beliefs to help Christian women in their marriages. Dr. Slattery advocates that a woman brings a unique set of gifts, skills, and qualities to the relationship that complement those her husband brings to the table. Each chapter concludes with questions for reflection and discussion. Please purchase the book ahead of time.

Amazon: Finding the Hero in Your Husband Paperback

2nd & 4th Tuesdays—Beginning February 11, 2025 (2/11, 2/25, 3/11, 3/25, 4/8, 4/22, 5/6)
7–9 pm
Bev Blando home in Wyoming. 
Facilitated by Vicki Dolsen 

Join Vicki Dolsen as she facilitates this Next Step Bible Study: Delight: A Walk Through the Psalms – by Daily Grace Co. This study is open to anyone who needs a little fellowship, encouragement, and wants to grow with Jesus through the Psalms. Come when you can. We welcome you wherever you are in your journey with Jesus. Books will need to be purchased before the first meeting.

The Daily Grace Co.: Delight: A Walk Through the Psalms

Thursdays—Beginning January 16, 2025
6–7:30 pm
FBC Lounge 
Facilitated by
Annette Boverhof 

Join Annette Boverhof as she facilitates this Next Step Bible Study: Waking the Dead by John Eldredge. Jesus said that He came that we might have life and have it to the full.  He wants to restore our hearts and set us free from fear and walk more boldly and authentically as the woman He created us to be.  Within the pages of this book and through movie clips we will discover four paths through which God leads us to a more intimate walk with Him.  

Waking the Dead by John Eldredge

Left to Right: Casey Gutierrez, Lori Miles, Kalee Beecher, Aubree Domsic, Kathy Domsic, Bev Blando.

The Frontline Women’s Leadership Team is committed to providing opportunities for the women of Frontline to connect and grow as we build relationships with one another, and to dig deeper into God’s Word, challenging each other spiritually. We welcome your suggestions and ideas for events, ministries, etc. Or if you just want to talk, contact: Kathy DomsicBev Blando, Lori Miles, Kalee Beecher, Casey Gutierrez or Aubree Domsic.

Interested in JOINING the Frontline Women’s Leadership Team? Email Lori Miles

Lori Miles
Director of Women’s Ministry

Life is a Journey; a path marked by hurt, hope, struggles and gain – each with their own set of emotions. Some experience significant trauma and abuse on their journey which leave them with lasting scars. Others haven’t known that trauma, but have carried a word or experience which came at a particularly vulnerable time creating a wound of its own. Both scenarios generate behaviors and thought patterns we use in an attempt to deal with our hurt, anger, disappointment, betrayal, abandonment and pain. Journey and The Journey Continues are each nine-week courses designed to help you explore your story in a confidential, small group setting. They teach you not only how to understand your past and it’s impact, but how to live forward through Christ with empathy and forgiveness, learning to love yourself and others. Authentic community is created where people are heard, loved and heal together. 

Contact Lori Miles if you are interested in learning more about participating in a Journey group.

Jesus, when He walked this earth, invested His life in twelve men. That’s it! He loved them; taught them; challenged them; and did life with them.

Soul Purpose is about investing and sharing your life with three to four other women; digging deeper and growing spiritually. Through transparency and authenticity, each group member is supported, loved and challenged.

Daily homework, based on the Cultivating Holy Beauty curriculum, helps you to learn who God is and what He’s calling you to do in this world. Expect to grow in this one-year curriculum, and learn to say “No” to Satan – to his lies and temptations through the strength and encouragement of your small group family.

Contact FWM leadership if you think a Soul Purpose group is your nextStep in growing in your spiritual walk with God.